Tell me what you are looking for and I will tell you who you are.
My website is dedicated to my wife Teresina and my son Eugen.
Hinweise zur Geschichte des Gottfried Wagner Archivs – Von Cerro Maggiore nach Zürich
AM 05.12.2013 erste Gespräche von Dr. Urs Fischer, Chefbibliothek für Spezialsammlungen der Zentralbibliothek Zürich mit Gottfried Wagner über die Weitergabe des Gottfried Wagner Archivs in Cerro Maggiore (Mi)
Zentralbibliothek Zürich
Zentralbibliothek Zürich mit Gottfried Wagner über die Weitergabe des Gottfried Wagner Archivs in Cerro Maggiore (Mi)
Ellen Drexel
Ralph Giordano
Classified document `USA` Foreword by Ralph Giordano
Dresden – Weimar 2005
3.Trip Polonia
Trip Birkenau
May 2014
Auschwitz- Oswiecim
T- Trasformations GHW
Teresina Rossetti
Cerro Maggiore (MI)
Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale
Dal 2009 al 2021
Auschwitz – Krakow
Il Futuro dell’ Europa visto da due Europeisti

Die andere Zeitzeugin
Matthias Schuppli, Teresina Rossetti,
Gottfried Wagner (Sprecher),
François Turneysen

I am preparing a book with essentials ideas of my mother Ellen Drexel for
my 80° th birthday on April 13, 2027
For further information
This text on Ellen Drexel will also include Friedelind Wagner,the rebellious
granddaughter of Richard Wagner. Friedelind couragiously spoke up
against Hitler and was banisched from Nazi Germany and discriminated all
her life after 1945.
Ellen: See Gottfried Wagner Archive Zürich:GWA-ZBZ- Box 68 to Box 77
selection with GHW comment on 236 Seiten
Friedelind, my aount:see GWA – ZBZ – Box 67 und Box 67 a on 32 pages

Pax et Bonum.
Archive Information / 2019 – 2024
1. Paul Lawrence Rose, Professor of European History,on GHW
2. GHW : All my 238 Boxes- The Gottfried Wagner Archiv Zentral Bibliothek Zürich
3. GHW : topics and places of my historical and humanitarian work Wer vom Grünen Hügel spricht, muss Flossenbürg mitdenken Süddeutsche Zeitung 4. Ottobre 2006,s.30,Nr.228
4. GHW : Awards for my multimedia humanitarian work
5. Wolfgang Wagner,director of New Bayreuth (1951-2010) vs GHW (his son,the renegard)
6. The liquitation of GHW by Wolfgang and Winfried Wagner, Hitler’s model for German women
8. Lotte Lenya, wife/widow of Kurt Weill on GHW’sbook on Weill and Brecht
9. Tullia Zevi,famous Italian Jewish voice after the Holocaust on GHW and his autobiography of 1988
9. Bis The Antisemitism of the Wagner family
10.GHW in Tel Aviv 2007 on The opera Lost Childhood by Janice Hamer, American Jewish composer
12. Lawrence D.Mass-Adam Sacks, American Jewish writers on GHW’s post-Holocaust mission
13. Eugenio Wagner and Alberto Galli reflections on the Auschwitz trip 2005
15. A Foto Manchester Nov.2023
17. Il Nostro ultimo viaggio in Israele 2023
18. La mia ultima intervista – 18 Luglio 2023
19. 40° Anniversario di Nozze di Gottfried e Teresina 3 Luglio 1983
20.Papa Francesco Assurdità della guerra
21.Messaggio di Fine Anno del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella
22.Gottfried Wagner mit Friedelind Wagner
Senza Teresina e Fabio non esisterebbe il mio sito. Grazie !
Il nostro motto rimane carpe momentum