Voices on the Website

Selection of voices in alphabetical order

Annette Ahlmann, Choir singer , committed to German Jewish history, Bernburg;

Jan G.Coljin, writer ,historian and scholor of the Shoah and Post Shoah period, Philadelphia;

Prof.Dr.med, internationally recognized cardiologiste, cattedra Julius-Maximilians- University

Würzburg , director of the Deegenberg Klinik, Bad Kissingen *

Evelyne Dreyfus, well known journaliste, special committment to German Jewish history, Paris * 

Carolyn Enger, classic pianiste , life committment to Jewish composers, New York *

Prof. Dr. David Faiman, director of Israel solar energy, G.Meyerbeer scholar – Sde Boquer /Israel* 

Avv. Bruno Finzi, lawyer, life committment to the work of his father, the composer Aldo Finzi, Milano *

Babette Goll, technical tv coopertor, profound interest in the Shoah , Cologne, Germany;

Dr. med. Eckart Grebner, interested in German Jewish history, Munich * 

Michael von Hintzenstern, organiste, founder of the Intuitve music, Weimar *

Matthias von Hintzenstern, celliste, co founder of the intuitve music *, Gera :

Margit Jandrisovits, teacher and committed to the Austrian Shoah history Eisenstadt 

Prof.Dr. Phil Henry Knight, Christian theologist, life committment to the Shoah and Post Shoah

dialogue between Christians and Jews, Tulsa *

Dr. Phil. Stephan Kohler, former director of the Richard-Strauss-Institut München (RSI),  now director of his Strauss Archiv München (SAM), archive for european literature and music, committment to German Jewish history München*

Elaine Labendz, writer , life committment to Jewish history, Toronto * 

Dr.med. Larry Mass, pioneer Aids reseach, Shoah and Richard Wagner scholar, New York *

Peter Molden, Köln * 

Harvey Sachs, well known musicologist, writer and Toscanini scholar, New York *

Dr. Phil. Adam Sacks, important scholar of the Shoah , New York / Philadelphia * 

Michael Shapiro, composer and writer, comittment to the Post Shoah dialogue,New York * 

Matthias Schuppli, well known actor and singer, Basel *

François Thurneysen, famous Klezmer clarinetist, Staufen Switzerland * 

Helga Schultheiß , journaliste , Dr. Dominik Schultheiß , scholar of international systems of

production, both interested in German Jewish history, Bayreuth

Thomas Schumann, important collector of NS persecuted painters and writers, Bonn *

Dr. Phil. Antje Vollmer, famous activiste of the German Green movement and former vice

president of the German parliament, Berlin *

Christina Whitelaw-Jaffe, *Bünde,  Westphalen Germany, netzwerk, Post Shoah commitment *

Carol Jean, writer, autobiography , life committment to Jewish Austrian history – Los Angeles

Idil Biret, famous classic pianiste ,Bruxelles, interest in cultural discussions on Liszt ,Istanbul *

Christina Lüdicke, Celliste, cellist teacher, dedicated to NS persecuted music Schwerin

Timothy Krueger, choir conductor, dedicated to German Jewish culture Denver *

Dr.jur. Helmuth Jungbauer, committed to German history and family of the 20th century, Munich

Dr. med. Dagmar Hampl, Dornbirn-Austria, dedicated to women movements after the Nazi period

Dr.med Heinz Eschlwöch, interested in German history of the Nazi period and after 1945 , socially

committed as a medical doctor, Arzberg, Upperfranconia

Adelheid Mahrun, writer , teacher, committed to German Jewish history and art of the 20 century, Munich.

Contact:   gottfriedhwagner@gottfriedhwagner.eu   * with Wikipedia informations

These items are updated to March 11, 2020