The publisher Wydawnictwo in Krakow expressed already after the German orginal edition of my book against the Wagner antisemitic cult and its consequences in February 2013 concrete interest to publish it in May 2014. I was honored because this publish house was active in the underground in the anticommunistic movement close to Pope John Paul II. The political connection with Vaclav Havel in the Czech Republic is obvious. The continous preparation with Dorota Nowak started in fall 2013 and we had immediately a very open and constructive e-mail exchange in English . She organized very well with the the Wydawnictwo editior all essential details of my flight and trips by train and bus. I had the intension to go again during this trip one day to Auschwitz Birkenau, this time with Polish catholic young people to know their family stories. I wanted to avoid an Auschwitz Birkenau trip. I asked Dorota idf you would accept to accompany me. She first hesitated because there was a painful story in connection with her grandfather. Having known the Wagner clan story ver well she and my moral position – the reason to make the contract with me – she accepted and we took the public bus to the village of Oswiecim and walked to Auschwitz Birkenau. During this walk Dorota told me what happened to her grandfather: the German SS arrested him in Krakow in spring time 1944 , deported him in a overcrowded cattle wagon in the direction of the extermination camp Auschwitz Birkenau to murder him. I was able to jamp from the train and live hidden until the day of liberation of Poland and Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. We walked throught Auschwitz Birkenau in silence and went together in the center of dialogue and preghiera of Oswiecim and were received warmly by pater Manfred Deselaers and told him our stories. He understood well our need to exchange. ( see also the voices on Auschwitz Birkenau).